Location is a key element of a successful business, and the City of West Covina's location is superb. Located in the heart of the San Gabriel Valley in Southern California, West Covina is centrally located between the major metropolitan areas of San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties.
The City's four miles of highly accessible and visible freeway frontage along Interstate 10, which carries over 484,000 vehicles daily, is the City's prominent commercial corridor. Businesses within the corridor include a super regional shopping center (Plaza West Covina Mall), a regional power center (Eastland Center), professional office buildings, a destination entertainment center and a major auto plaza.
West Covina's distinguishing prime geographic location is not only ideal for businesses seeking a competitive advantage within the region, it is also ideal for residents seeking to work, live and play within their community.
Tools for finding the ideal location for your business:
- Available Property Listing (APL)
One of the tools the City provides businesses is the Available Property Listing (APL). The APL is a listing of retail, office, and vacant properties for sale or lease within the City, allowing for a convenient way to find available space within the City.
- Contact a Local Realtor
Contact a local realtor who can help find a location and help negotiate terms.
- Planning / Zoning Inquiries
Once you have found a location, contact the City's Planning Divison at (626) 939-8422 to determine the zoning of the location of your future business. Each address in the City is designated within a specific zone that determines the allowable use. For example, retail stores and restaurants are permitted within a commercial zone. Manufacturing businesses are only permitted within an industrial zone. Planning entitlements may be necessary for certain businesses.
*Note: It is advisable that you contact the City's Planning Department prior to signing leases on any property.