City of West Covina
City MenuHighway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) Cycle 10
On November 1, 2020, the City submitted the Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) Cycle 10 grant funding request to the State, for Traffic Signal Improvements at 10 Intersections, Citywide. The proposed improvements as part of the grant funding request application included various traffic signal improvements for traffic and pedestrian safety, including installation of new traffic signal heads, pedestrian countdown head displays, pedestrian push buttons, installation of left turn phasing (protected left turn) at applicable locations with existing turn pockets, new signal poles, mast arms, pedestrian accessibility (ADA) improvements including curb ramps, signage, striping and related improvements.
- Funding - $3,184,700 (State funds with no local matching requirement)
- Funding Coverage - Design and construction phases
- Status - In design phase
- Next Steps
- June 2023 - A tentative schedule with 100% design plans to be completed by Kimley Horn and Associates
- Late 2023 - Regulatory approvals with (Caltrans) to be finalized
Project Locations
The project locations included in the HSIP Cycle 10 grant are shown on the map below: Project Location Map.
Major Traffic Signal Improvements include: improve signal hardware, provide protected left turn phase where there are existing left turn lanes, reflective backplates, installation of pedestrian countdown signal heads, re-striping and crosswalk enhancements and curb ramp upgrades where needed. The following (6) intersections are eligible for Major Improvements:
1. Sunset Avenue at Merced Avenue
2. Cameron Avenue at Orange Avenue
3. Vincent Avenue at Puente Avenue
4. Lark Ellen Avenue at Badillo Avenue
5. Hollenbeck Avenue at Cameron Avenue
6. Sentous Avenue at La Puente Road
Minor Traffic Signal Improvements will be conducted at (4) intersections. Improvements include: upgrades to signal hardware, reflective backplates, re-striping and crosswalk enhancements and installation of pedestrian countdown signal heads. The following (4) intersections will have traffic signal upgrades:
7. Lark Ellen Avenue at Rowland Avenue
8. Azusa Avenue at Fairgrove Avenue
9. Amar Road at Temple Avenue
10. Amar Road at Shadow Oak Drive *additional signal heads for visibility
Project Location Map
HSIP Countermeasures (CM) Selected:
- CM#1: S02 - Signal Modification: Improve signal hardware: lenses, back-plates with retroreflective borders, mounting, size, and number.
- CM #2: S07 - Signal Modification: Provide protected left turn phase (left turn lane already exists).
- CM #3: S17PB - Ped and Bike: Install pedestrian countdown signal heads.