City of West Covina
City MenuPavement Management Plan
As the City of West Covina continues to experience growth in population, demographics, and infrastructure, the street network also requires increased attention to capital revenues and management of the capital improvement program. West Covina encompasses approximately 286.9 miles of streets throughout the city.
The West Covina Pavement Management Plan (PMP) has been developed to provide city personnel with current data on the street network and to formulate cost-effective maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. These strategies aim to sustain a desirable level of pavement performance across the network, optimizing the use of limited fiscal resources.
In 2023, efforts for the PMP included analyzing the city’s previous dataset for quality and usability. City staff also provided key information on ongoing maintenance and rehabilitation efforts undertaken since 2020. Pavement, being a dynamic structure, undergoes constant deterioration. Therefore, the pavement management system requires regular updates to reflect changes in pavement conditions, maintenance histories, and strategies aligned with budgetary constraints.
These deterioration rates are monitored through frequent inspections and functional class deterioration analysis within the city’s PMP database. The PMP is updated every five years to ensure the city has the most up-to-date information to efficiently manage its roadway network.
For a copy of the Pavement Management Plan, click here.