City of West Covina
City MenuWest Covina's Most Significant Historic Properties
There are a handful of properties that exemplify the history of West Covina's built environment and individual nominations of these properties to the California Register should be undertaken. These properties include "Valencia Park" (the Jobe residence) and several other prime architectural examples.
Further along in the preservation program process, once an ordinance has been drafted, incentive measures can be enacted to encourage protection of the City's resources.
Properties recommended for protection and nomination in the immediate future (The following link to PDF Documents):
637 S. California Ave.
863 S. California Ave.
2527 E. Cameron Ave.
2568 E. Cameron Ave.
833 S. Coral Tree Dr.
1940 E. Cortez Ave.
2036 E. Cortez Ave.
2922 E. Cortez Ave.
1708 W. Eldred Ave.
1336 S. Fleetwell Ave.
505 S. Hollenbeck St.
137 S. Lark Ellen Ave.
747 N. Lark Ellen Ave.
803 S. Lark Ellen Ave.
809 S. Lark Ellen Ave.
831 S. Lark Ellen Ave.
1127 W. Merced Ave.
237 N. Orange Ave.
521 N. Orange Ave.
2204 W. Pacific Ave.
1032 E. Puente Ave.
1038 E. Puente Ave.
1314 E. Puente Ave.
1550 E. Puente Ave.
1106 W. Rowland Ave.
1440 E. Rowland Ave.
1628 E. Rowland Ave.
188 N. Sunkist Ave.
1951 S. Sunset Ave.
611 N. Sunset Ave.
611 N. Vincent Ave.
1241 S. Willow Ave.